SAE J483 High and Low Crown (Blind, Acorn) Hex Nuts

作者:标准资料网 时间:2024-04-30 22:41:59   浏览:9846   来源:标准资料网
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Product Code:SAE J483
Title:High and Low Crown (Blind, Acorn) Hex Nuts
Issuing Committee:Fasteners Committee
Scope: Included in this SAE Recommended Practice are complete general and dimensional data for the high and low types of crown nuts recognized as SAE Standard. These nuts are primarily intended for application in automotive and other ground-based motor vehicles and industrial equipment to provide an ornamental or protective closure over end of bolts, studs, or screws.
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Product Code:SAE J2705
Title:Tire Quasi-Static Envelopment of Triangular/Step Cleats Test
Issuing Committee:Vehicle Dynamics Standards Committee
Scope: This SAE Recommended Practice describes a test method for determining properties of a non-rolling tire quasi-statically enveloping, loaded onto, either a set of triangular cleats or a single step cleat. In the case of the triangular cleats the normal force and vertical deflection of the non-rolling tire are determined. In the case of the step cleats the normal force, longitudinal force, and vertical deflection of the non-rolling tire are determined. The method applies to any tire so long as the equipment is properly sized to correctly conduct the measurements for the intended test tire.1 The data are intended for use in determining parameters for road load models and for comparative evaluations of the measured properties in research and development. NOTE?Herein, road load models are models for predicting forces applied to the vehicle spindles during operation over irregular pavements. Within the context of this document, forces applied to the pavement are not considered.
Rationale: This SAE Recommended Practice describes a test method for determining properties of a non-rolling tire quasi-statically enveloping, loaded onto, either a set of triangular cleats or a single step cleat. In the case of the triangular cleats the normal force and vertical deflection of the non-rolling tire are determined. In the case of the step cleats the normal force, longitudinal force, and vertical deflection of the non-rolling tire are determined. The method applies to any tire so long as the equipment is properly sized to correctly conduct the measurements for the intended test tire.1 The data are intended for use in determining parameters for road load models and for comparative evaluations of the measured properties in research and development. NOTE?Herein, road load models are models for predicting forces applied to the vehicle spindles during operation over irregular pavements. Within the context of this document, forces applied to the pavement are not considered.
英文名称:Rules in designing plastics processing plant for occupational safety and health
中标分类: 轻工、文化与生活用品 >> 日用玻璃、陶瓷、搪瓷、塑料制品 >> 日用塑料制品








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